[filename.info logo]
[cn shell.dll][de shell.dll][es shell.dll][fr shell.dll][gb shell.dll][it shell.dll][jp shell.dll][kr shell.dll][nl shell.dll][pt shell.dll][ru shell.dll][us shell.dll]


Contenuto nel software

Nome:Windows XP Home Edition, Deutsch
Collegamento delle informazioni:http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/

Particolari della lima

Percorso della lima:C:\WINDOWS\system32 \ shell.dll
Data della lima:2002-08-29 14:00:00
Formato di lima:5.120 byte

Il totale di controllo e la lima hashes

MD5:DC8A 8C47 542E DD02 6AD8 F4AC 3D6C 2292
SHA1:1DE9 36F7 5E5F E31C B75E 6487 DA49 AD39 E6CE EFF8

shell.dll รจ stato trovato nei seguenti rapporti:


Particolari tecnici
...email address that it finds in the Microsoft Outlook address book to the file C: Shell.dll.txt. This file is then sent to...
Fonte: http://securityresponse.symantec.com/avcenter/venc/data/vbs.masteal.trojan.html

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